Justin's surgery in December went great. The tumor in his left ear was removed with no further damage to his hearing. The recovery was fast and he is back to his normal self. With some hearing loss I need to come up with a way to communicate with him without yelling because it seems to be the only way to get his attention. I guess I need to get my lazy butt up and walk over to him and ask for his attention...what a workout!
It was so nice to have my mom and mother in law around to help out while Justin had surgery. Family and friends were so nice to us. We had so many people bringing us food and goodies...we felt so loved and blessed.
We thought Justin's scare looked like a peace sign.
Justin had to be transported to PHX children's hospital after surgery via Ambulance (which costs $900 for a 2 mile trip?!?!?!) because the hospital where the surgery was performed doesn't have a pieds unit.Christmas was good. It was weird not having family around and I had some holiday blues because of that but the kids had fun. Everything we bought for Justin that wasn't a transformer we either exchanged for a transformer or put it in my closet to give to Logan as a gift for his birthday. Logan loves to build so he is happy to take any legos Justin doesn't want.
Jason broke his knee a few days after Christmas chasing a toy down the stairs. Poor guy cracked his patella right down the middle. He is doing light duty in a cubicle and can't wait to get on full duty in a few weeks. No surgery just a brace at first but he hasn't used that since a week or so after the accident.
We decided to start a tradition of eating lots of Jamon through the holidays. Yummy! Here is Logan with his Santa attire he crafted at preschool!
We all got Seahawks gear for Christmas. Go hawks! wonder if the Broncos got the memo that they were supposed to be playing in the Super Bowl this year...looked like they slept right through that one! Wowsers!!!
Justin joined the First Tee. Here he is with a famour golfer (I can't remember his name???) who was paralyzed in an accident. They are at the PGA Match Play tourney in Tucson.
Jason is such a dedicated father. He always makes time to be with his boys.

My birthday cake was red velvet with carmel buttercream frosting...so delish!

A stop at kneaders was a must...they have two locations in PHX now. I joked with Jason that 'us mormon's like our carbs'. Kneaders follows the building of temples so I'm expecting to see one in Tucson in the coming years:)
I hike with the fam up on Superstition mtn. We saw some petrogyphs (sp). Pretty cool.
Christopher and Susie met us at Cafe Rio the night before then came hiking with us. Luv these craies. Poor Susie stubbed her toe and it wasn't pretty! Ouch!
A pic with my honey!

Logan fell a total of 4 times. He scrapped up both knees hands and an elbow. We is always in a hurry to get around....except for when I ask him to hurry and do something (hmmmm, interesting).
This is out of order but I'm tired and want to go to bed so...this is Alexandra. She is a foreign exchange student from France. We love, love , love her and I secretly hope she decides to stay here forever. She is amazing with the kids and such a pleasant addition in our home. SHe is 18 and a senior in high school. She finished high school in France last year but is enjoying attending her senior year again and is getting all A's. Super smart girl...I couldn't even do that living in my native land. She loves sweets and has baked us some yummy desserts. She is always happy, I feel bad sometimes cause I'm such a sour patch in the morning....she just smiles and is cheerful. I don't know how she does it but she is so patient. I have yet to find a flaw, not that I'm looking but jeeezzzz, she's great.
In these pics we are at the Gilbert Temple open house. Rumor has it that a Temple this size hasn't been built for 17 years. It's seriously HUGE!!! It was an amazing sight...the chandeliers were breathe taking and the spirit was so strong.
We met with the doctor today about Justin's MRI results...just a few things going on but I will update more on that in a few weeks!!! Next adventure...Hawaii!!!
1 comment:
I'm so happy to see an update on your blog!
I love seeing how you guys are doing.
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