Monday, April 29, 2013

We Have a Date!

Last Thursday and Friday we were boiling over with anticipation of the phone call telling us when Justin's surgery would be and when Friday came and went we were just a little anxious (to put it nicely...if you say your gonna call by a certain time, then CALL...for the love!!!). We knew it would be a long weekend but luckily Jared and Melanie came and saved us. (We love them so much.) 

So the surgery is set for May 13th...the countdown has begun. Best case scenario would be to remove both tumors without any side effects/nerve damage and the biopsies come back benign. We are 90% sure the tumors are benign...we just don't know whether the surgeons can get everything out.

We had another doctor appointment today with a neuro-opthalmologist...we discovered some very interesting things about Justin's right eye (the lazy eye, not the eye the tumor is pushing on). I won't go into detail because I really don't understand most of it anyways. So more patching, patching, patching. Dr. Bixenman...Justin's favorite doctor thus far. 

We stopped at the gas station on the way home to get Logan some 7-Up because he had been throwing up all night and I realized Justin didn't know what a slurpee was. (Forgive me Father for I have sinned.) He loved it! Can't believe he's never had a slurpee before.

Logan is feeling a lot better and I am looking forward to a long restful night of ZZZzzzZZZZzzzzZZzzz!


Janet said...

That is such a cute picture of Justin. He is enjoying the slurpee.
Love you guys.

Danielle said...

We will be praying for your cute family and especially Justin!
McKay & Dani Anderson